​​​Irrigated Water Management Tools (Part 2)

May 2013 | 21 min., 46 sec.
by William Kranz
University of Nebraska–Lincoln


​This two-part presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the irrigated regions of the United States. The presentation discusses some basic soil water terminology and how to use soil water-monitoring equipment to determine how much water the crop has removed from the soil. Using Watermark soil water sensors as an example, procedures for how to prepare the soil water sensor and how to install them in the field are presented in Part 1 of the presentation. Part 2 of the presentation discusses how to use a modified atmometer to verify that soil water sensors are responding in the correct way. Lastly, several water conservation practices are discussed including crop residue management, planting a shorter season hybrid and reducing the plant population. By the end of the presentation, the viewer will have the necessary information to initiate an irrigation scheduling program and where to find additional information.

About the Presenter

William KranzWilliam Kranz is an Associate Professor of Biological Systems Engineering and Extension Irrigation Specialist at the Haskell Ag Lab near Concord, Nebraska. Some of his research interests include updating the Nebraska Pumping Plant Performance Criteria, determining the crop water use of drought resistant corn hybrids, and determining the environmental fate of growth promotants used in beef cattle production. Bill serves as the statewide coordinator of the Nebraska Chemigation Training Program and has delivered presentations on center pivot sprinkler package selection, Irrigation water management, pivot control panels and the potential for site-specific irrigation technologies.​

Contact Information:
Email: Wkranz1@unl.edu


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