Wide Space Irrigation: What Do We Know?

January 2024 | 18 min., 35 sec.
by Drew M. Gholson
Mississippi State University

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​Determining how to irrigate more efficiently involves answering several key questions: How do we reduce waterlogging after an irrigation and a rainfall? Can we space out irrigated furrows to reduce waterlogging events and maintain or improve yield? And if so, how far? Researchers rationalized that if corn could be irrigated successfully in shrink swell clay soils, it could lead to better crop rotations. Their objective was to evaluate different furrow irrigation spacings on shrink swell clay soils to reduce waterlogging while maintaining yield. In both on-station and on-farm trials, data showed that yield can be maintained with different furrow irrigation spacings.

About the Presenter

Drew M. GholsonDrew M. Gholson serves as coordinator for the National Center for Alluvial Aquifer Research and Extension irrigation specialist at Mississippi State University, located at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville. His responsibilities include conceiving, developing, and promoting the adoption of profitable irrigation strategies that conserve water, maintain soil resources, and improve water quality. Drew resides in Leland, Mississippi, with his wife and two children.

Contact Information:
Email: drew.gholson@msstate.edu


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