​​Impact of CLRDV on Plant Development and Yield

February 2020 | 13 min., 41 sec.
by Tessie Wilkerson
Mississippi State University

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​Many symptoms are associated with cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV), including shorter or taller plants, wrinkled leaves, misshapen bolls, and excessive fruiting. Infection timing may be related to where bolls are located on plants. Specifically, with early infection, boll loss may occur from the bottom of the plant up. With late infection, there may be good boll set on the bottom of the plant but excessive fruiting toward the top and a lot of boll abortion. Although measures have been taken to assess yield losses associated with the virus, no real conclusions can be drawn from the data collected at this time.

About the Presenter

Tessie WilkersonTessie Wilkerson has a BS and an MS from Delta State University and a PhD from Mississippi State University (MSU). Her areas of expertise include seed treatments, root and stem diseases, and soybean grain quality concerns. Before finishing her PhD and becoming an assistant research professor at MSU, Wilkerson held positions at Monsanto Co. and Valent Corp.​

Contact Information:
Email: twilkerson@drec.msstate.edu


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