​​Fall-Spring Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Italian Ryegrass

March 2013 | 14 min., 24 sec.
by Jason Bond
Mississippi State University

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​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the midsouthern and southeastern U.S. manage Italian ryegrass that is resistant to glyphosate. Dense populations of glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass are problematic for producers. This weed can jeopardize burndown programs, and few affordable postemergence herbicides are available. This presentation summarizes the known distribution of this weed and research addressing its management. The practitioner should know more about the negative impact of ryegrass to cotton and have adequate information to minimize these effects.

About the Presenter

Jason BondJason Bond received his BS and MS from Louisiana State University and his PhD from the University of Arkansas. Jason worked for two years with the LSU AgCenter at the Rice Research Station in Crowley. He currently serves as a research/extension weed scientist at Mississippi State University’s Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville. His duties include development of weed control programs in rice, cotton, and corn with emphasis on managing herbicide-resistant weed species.

Contact Information:
Email: jbond@drec.msstate.edu


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