​Cotton Board & Cotton Incorporated Update​

March 2020 | 39 min., 31 sec.
by Shelley Heinrich and Gaylon D. Morgan
The Cotton Board and Cotton Incorporated

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​This presentation addresses the roles and responsibilities of the USDA, The Cotton Board, and Cotton Incorporated to producers. It also showcases some of the current promotions and activities developed by Cotton Incorporated. Using many forms of communication, such as social media and television, the overall goal is to educate consumers on the value of cotton in their lives and to find ways to improve the demand for cotton. Sustainability of cotton products is also addressed via the Blue Jeans Go Green campaign and microfiber life cycle campaigns. Educating both consumers and producers on research developed by Cotton Incorporated creates opportunities for the entire supply chain industry. Additionally, producers will learn more about participating in Cotton Incorporated producer tours and in Cotton Trust Protocol programs. Several of the priority research areas are highlighted in this presentation, along with the directors of the Agricultural and Environmental Research group.

About the Presenter

Shelley Heinrich ​Shelley Heinrich is the Southern Plains Regional Communications Manager for The Cotton Board. The Cotton Board’s primary roles are to oversee the cotton research and promotion program and to communicate to producers the program activities carried out by Cotton Incorporated. Shelley’s job is to communicate to producers about activities and accomplishments through the cotton research and promotion program. Her area covers Kansas and Oklahoma, plus the Texas Panhandle and South Plains area.

Gaylon D. MorganGaylon D. Morgan received BS and MS degrees in agronomy from Texas A&M University in 1996 and 1998, respectively. In 2001, he earned a PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a major in horticulture and a minor in plant pathology. Dr. Morgan was an assistant professor and systems agronomist at the University of Tennessee until 2003. From 2003 to 2009, he served on the faculty at Texas A&M University as an assistant professor and State Extension Small Grains Specialist. In 2009, he was selected as the State Extension Cotton Agronomist, and he remained in this position until starting with Cotton Incorporated in 2019 as a director of Agricultural and Environmental Research. His responsibilities at Cotton Incorporated include managing and directing research and outreach in the areas of weed management, nutrient management, and soil health. He is the liaison to the State Support Committees for Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.​

Contact Information:
Email: sheinrich@cottonboard.org, gmorgan@cottoninc.com


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