​​Palmer Amaranth: Biology, Ecology, and Management (Part 1)

May 2014 | 17 min., 24 sec.
by Peter Dotray
Texas Tech University and Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners primarily in the Southwest region of the United States Cotton Belt to better understand the biology, ecology, and general management strategies to manage Palmer amaranth. By the end of this presentation, practitioners should know more about the growth and development of this troublesome weed and current management options that are available for effective weed management.

About the Presenter

Peter DotrayPeter Dotray is a weed scientist with a joint appointment at Texas Tech University, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Lubbock, Texas. Dr. Dotray teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in weed science at Texas Tech University, serves as an Extension Weed Specialist in the Texas Southern High Plains (a region where over 3 million acres of cotton is grown), and conducts research to help development effective and sustainable weed management systems in crops grown in the region.​

Contact Information:
Email: peter.dotray@ttu.edu


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