​​Plant Parasitic Nematodes Management Options in Cotton Production

September 2017 | 19 min., 20 sec.
by Kathy S. Lawrence
Auburn University


Nematodes have become an increasingly important disease issue in cotton production and will likely increase in importance in the future. This presentation will help consultants, county agents, growers, and other practitioners in the southern U.S. cotton-producing states to understand more about plant-parasitic nematodes, resistant cultivars, nematicides, rotations, and cover crops, which are widely used in cotton production. Specifically in this presentation, practitioners will learn how much cotton yield loss is due to root-knot and reniform nematodes; the benefit of adding nematicides to high yielding cotton cultivars; and the advantages of crop rotations to reduce nematode population densities. By the end of this presentation, the practitioner should know more about the general use of nematicides, cultivar selections, and crop rotations and how to utilize them to achieve optimal cotton yields.​

About the Presenter

Kathy S. LawrenceKathy S. Lawrence received a BS degree in Agronomy from New Mexico State University followed by her MS and PhD in Plant Pathology at Mississippi State University. Kathy began her work with plant-parasitic nematodes as a PhD student working on Heterodera glycines and sudden death syndrome of soybean. Since 1999, she has served as the Soil Borne and Foliar Disease Plant Pathologist focusing on nematode and fungal interaction in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University in Alabama. Her current research focuses on developing holistic management systems for plant parasitic nematode management of field crop systems.

Contact Information:
Email: lawrekk@auburn.edu


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