Evaluation of Topramezone for Use in Axant Flex Cotton Production

September 2023 | 3 min., 26 sec.
by Megan Mills
Texas Tech University

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​This presentation shares research on evaluating cotton response to HPPD-inhibiting herbicides applied postemergence at two early season growth stages. Findings suggest that the use of isoxaflutole and topramezone in Axant Flex cotton production may help manage herbicide-resistant weeds with no adverse effects on cotton yield and quality.

About the Presenter

Megan MillsMegan Mills​ is a master’s student at Texas Tech University in the plant and soil science program and is currently working in the weed science department at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service under Dr. Peter Dotray.

Contact Information:
Email: Megan.Mills@ttu.edu


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