​​Spray Carrier Rates and Nozzles Types Effect on Harvest Aid Efficacy

October 2018 | 11 min., 28 sec.
by James A. Griffin
Texas A&M University


​With the onset of Enlist and XtendFlex technologies, farmers have been regulated to use coarse to very coarse droplet tips. Farmers are also able to harvest more acres in a day’s time allowing them to apply harvest aids over a smaller amount of time. In an attempt to keep up with harvesting ability, it is reasonable to assume farmers may reduce carrier volume rates. This presentation will cover the effects of reducing carrier volume and using coarse spray tips compared to traditional practices of applying harvest aids. This will assist farmers in making decisions about which nozzle tips and water volumes they should use to apply harvest aids and how pressure, water volumes, and tips affect spray patterns. 

About the Presenter

James A. GriffinJames A. Griffin worked on the family farm with his grandfather and learned about the value of the Extension service to farmers. After deciding to become an Extension agent, he attended the University of Tennessee at Martin for his bachelor’s degree and then the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for his master’s degree—both in agriculture economics. After 6 years in the University of Tennessee Extension service, he went into the retail sector. That experience was both invaluable and challenging and forged many close relationships. After 5 years in retail, he had the opportunity to work for himself as an independent crop consultant. He obtained much satisfaction from scouting but always desired to obtain his doctorate degree. He began work on his PhD in the fall of 2017 under Gaylon Morgan at Texas A&M University.

Contact Information:
Email: jgriff15@tamu.edu


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