Ardeshir Adeli is a research soil scientist at the USDA-ARS, Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research Unit, at Mississippi State University (MSU). He holds a PhD in soil fertility and plant nutrition from MSU, an MS in soil fertility from MSU, and a BS in plant breeding from Tehran University in Iran. Dr. Adeli has been a research soil scientist at MSU since 2003; previous positions have included visiting research scientists and research associate at the university. His primary research interests are soil health and environmental quality; soil, crop, and nutrient management effect on greenhouse gas emissions; manure and cover crop management on soil health and cash crop production; cropping system and soil management practices for sustainable agriculture; and quantification of nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metal dynamics in soil, plant, and water systems as a result of both short-term and long-term land applications. Dr. Adeli has received the USDA-ARS Performance Award, Exceeding Expectations of Performance, every year since 2009. He is an active author, editor, and speaker.