​​​Episode 8 - Southwest Update

August 2021 | 20 min., 22 sec.
by Seth Byrd, Randy Norton, Ben McKnight, and Murilo Maeda
Oklahoma State University, The University of Arizona, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (respectively)


​Randy Norton, Ben McKnight, and Murilo Maeda provide updates from their areas on the 2021 cotton season so far (mid-August 2021) and share their outlooks as harvest approaches. Podcast hosted by Seth Byrd.

About the Presenter

​​Seth ByrdSeth Byrd is the Extension cotton specialist for Oklahoma State University. He received a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from North Carolina State University, a master’s degree in agronomy from the University of Florida, and a PhD in crop and soil science with a focus on cotton agronomics from the University of Georgia. (OSU photo by Todd Johnson)​

Randy Norton ​​Randy Norton is an associate regional Extension specialist with the University of Arizona and also serves as the resident director of the Safford Agricultural Center. He has a BS degree in plant sciences with an emphasis in crop science and MS and PhD degrees in soil and water science with an emphasis in soil fertility and soil chemistry. The primary focus of his work is improving the efficiency and sustainability of desert agricultural systems through a broad research and Extension program directed at solving production chal​lenges faced by growers across Arizona. Areas of research and Extension focus include soil fertility, variety evaluation, and management of certain pests and diseases in Arizona crop production systems.

Ben McKnightBen McKnight​​​ is the Extension cotton specialist with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. He completed his undergraduate and MS studies in agronomy at Texas A&M University and earned a PhD in agronomy from Louisiana State University. His MS and PhD research focused on novel weed management strategies in production agriculture.​

Murilo Maeda Murilo Maeda is an assistant professor and extension cotton specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences. In this capacity, he provides leadership in cotton production for the Texas High Plains and in developing educational programs and materials related to the profitable and sustainable production of cotton in a challenging, semi-arid environment. His program involves interactions with farmers, county and IPM agents, extension specialists, research faculty, and allied industry to develop and deliver new technologies and educational programs designed to help cotton producers make timely and informed crop management decisions.​​​

Additional Resources

Pest Management and Cotton Stalk Destruction Zones​ – Texas Department of Agriculture​


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