​​Potassium and Chloride in Potatoes​

April 2010 | 32 min., 43 sec.
by Don Horneck
Oregon State University


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in potato-growing regions decide when a chloride- or sulfate-based fertilizer is appropriate for fertilization. This presentation will discuss the roles of both potassium and chloride in potatoes. The misconception that potatoes are “chlorophobes” will be addressed, as well as the benefits of potassium fertilization. Historical and recent research will demonstrate potassium effects on petioles and specific gravity.

About the Presenter

Don HorneckDon Horneck is an Associate Professor and Extension Agronomist in the Oregon State University Department of Crop and Soil Science. He received his master’s degree in agronomy and soils at the University of Illinois in 1984. He earned his PhD at Oregon State University with chemistry and environmental engineering minors.​

Contact Information:
Email: don.horneck@oregonstate.edu


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