​​​Chloropicrin Soil Fumigation in Potato Production Systems

April 2019 | 30 min., 14 sec.
by Chad Hutchinson
TriEst Ag Group, Inc.


​In this presentation from the 2018 Potato Expo, Dr. Chad Hutchinson discusses the benefits of using Chloropicrin in potato production. He begins by reviewing the history of Chloropicrin, which has been used safely as a preplant soil treatment for more than 60 years. Chloropicrin suppresses soilborne pathogenic fungi, as well as some nematodes and insects. Hutchinson also reviews soil fumigation technology for potatoes, describing and illustrating the application rig and its operation. In discussing the environmental impact of Chloropicrin, Hutchinson identifies several key benefits: Chloropicrin degrades rapidly in the soil, leaving no residues; it does not sterilize the soil; it does not deplete the ozone layer; and it has never been found in groundwater. Additional benefits associated with the use of Chloropicrin are that it promotes soil health and increases beneficial organisms. In sum, the use of Chloropicrin not only increases production efficiency and profit potential for potato growers, but it also improves soil health, which Hutchinson describes as “the foundation of a positive crop production system.”

About the Presenter

Chad HutchinsonChad Hutchinson has been the director of research for TriEst Ag Group, Inc., in the Jacksonville, Florida, area since 2009. For almost 20 years, his work has focused on potato production and disease control issues both in the United States and around the world. Before coming to TriEst, Hutchinson was an associate professor at the University of Florida, where he conducted research and Extension projects on potato production, including crop nutrition, soil fumigation, and variety selection. He also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Riverside, where he studied vegetable production systems. Hutchinson has a BS and an MS in biology from Ball State University and a PhD in horticultural science from Purdue University.​

Contact Information:
Email: chad.hutchinson@me.com


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