​​Best Management Tactics and Fungicide Resistance in Alternaria Populations (Early Blight and Brown Spot)

June 2015 | 10 min., 25 sec.
by Lydia Tymon
Washington State University


​Broad-spectrum fungicides are the primary products used to manage Alternaria. However, a shift to include narrow-spectrum fungicides in rotation was made to minimize the impacts on mammal toxicity and to alleviate environmental concerns due to chemical residues. Fungicide resistance must be taken into account when the chemical affects a single site and is repeatedly used. This presentation will provide consultants and growers with the best practices to manage early blight on potato. It will review fungicide basics, exhibit how quickly fungicide resistance develops, briefly compare pathogenicity and aggressiveness of the early blight pathogen (A. solani) to the brown spot pathogen (A. alternata), and review best-management tactics for early blight.

About the Presenter

Lydia TymonLydia Tymon completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Washington in Botany and Forestry, respectively, and she completed her doctorate at Washington State University. Her dissertation was entitled “Frequency of isolation, determination, and epidemiology of Alternaria species on potato in the Pacific Northwest.” Dr. Tymon is currently a postdoctoral research associate for Dr. Brenda Schroeder at the University of Idaho, where she is working with Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus, the bacterial ring rot pathogen, and with fungal and bacterial pathogens of onion.​

Contact Information:
Email: lydia.tymon@email.wsu.edu


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