​​​​​Potato Psyllid Monitoring and Management​ (Part 1)​

August 2013 | 15 min., 19 sec.
by Don Henne
Texas A&M AgriLife Research


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in U.S. potato-growing regions to better understand zebra chip disease symptoms, monitor potato psyllid populations, and advise on effective management of potato psyllids. More specifically, viewers will learn about the history of zebra chip disease and the states affected, disease symptoms above and below ground, the potato psyllid and potato psyllid research, sampling and monitoring of potato psyllid populations, challenges to psyllid management, useful management approaches, and resistance management. Although much of the presentation contains information obtained from research in Texas, it will be helpful to practitioners from other potato-growing regions.

About the Presenter

Don HenneDon Henne is an Assistant Professor in Vegetable Integrated Pest Management (IPM) at the Weslaco Agricultural Research and Extension Center (AREC) and the Department of Horticultural Sciences at Texas A&M. He is responsible for IPM research on insect pests affecting vegetables and other specialty crops in the lower Rio Grande Valley and southern Texas. His research interests include pesticide efficacy evaluations, insect sampling, population dynamics, movement and spread, spatial statistics, plant disease–vector interactions, and plant disease epidemiology. Dr. Henne received his PhD in entomology from Louisiana State University and obtained his BS and MS degrees in entomology from the University of Manitoba, Canada.

Contact Information:
Email: dchenne@ag.tamu.edu


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