​​​Managing Fungicide Resistance in Potato

August 2014 | 37 min., 44 sec.
by Barry J. Jacobsen
Montana State University


​This presentation will help potato growers, consultants, agribusiness personnel, and others associated with the potato industry in North America understand and manage problems related to fungicide resistance. This presentation will discuss the different modes of action of fungicides currently registered for use on potatoes in the United States, the risks of developing fungicide resistance, and practices to minimize the development of fungicide resistance problems in production fields.

About the Presenter

Barry J. JacobsenBarry J. Jacobsen is a professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology and interim head of the Department of Research Centers at Montana State University in Bozeman. He received his BS and MS from the University of Wisconsin (1969, 1971) and his PhD from the University of Minnesota (1973)—all in plant pathology. Barry was a professor with joint teaching, research, and Extension assignments at the University of Illinois (1973–1988) and Auburn University (1988–1992) before moving to Montana in 1992. He has worked in the area of integrated plant disease management and potato pathology throughout his career.

Contact Information:
Email: uplbj@montana.edu


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