​​​​Insecticide Resistance in Myzus persicae: Practical Implications for Virus Control

January 2021 | 36 min., 49 sec.
by Mark Stevens
British Beet Research Organization


​​This presentation summarizes the European experience with Myzus persicae on sugar beet and links findings to management of the aphid on potato in North America. M. persicae can survive on many crops and has developed several mechanisms of insecticide resistance, increasing the risk of new virus epidemics developing. An integrated approach is needed to manage virus yellows disease, including real-time surveillance of viruliferous aphids and their resistance status.​​

About the Presenter

Mark Stevens has conducted research on sugar beet for over 25 years and is currently the lead scientist for the British Beet Research Organisation (BBRO), based at the Norwich Research Park in the U.K. Mark has a first degree in applied biology, specializing in crop science and phytopathology, and undertook his PhD on the aphid-transmitted virus yellows complex of sugar beet. He continues to manage a diverse research portfolio, with funding from competitive research grants awarded by levy bodies and government research organizations, as well as grants from the commercial sector and agricultural trust funds. Mark plays a key role in Europe via the International Institute of Sugar Beet Research (IIRB), serving as past chairman of the Pests and Diseases Working Group and the next president of the Scientific Advisory Committee.​​

Contact Information:
Email: mark.stevens@bbro.co.uk


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