​​​Aphid Management in Potatoes

October 2010 | 38 min., 41 sec.
by Juan Manuel Alvarez
University of Idaho


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the United States to develop a better understanding about aphids, which are major potato pests in the United States. It introduces concepts that help identify the most important potato-colonizing and -noncolonizing aphid species in several parts of the United States. The information presented on the management of aphids includes cultural, biological, and chemical control methods. This presentation also includes brief explanations OF the two most economically important viruses that affect potatoes, Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and Potato virus Y (PVY). Understanding how aphids transmit the two viruses is critical in the management of this pest to prevent virus infections. Information also is presented about an omnipresent weed plant in the U.S. Pacific Northwest that is in the same family as the potato, the hairy nightshade, which is not only a preferred host for potato-colonizing aphids but also an additional inoculum source for PLRV and PVY. The final part of the presentation is dedicated to chemical control and includes recommended chemistries that not only kill aphids but also prevent virus transmission.

About the Presenter

Juan Manuel AlvarezJuan Manuel Alvarez received a Bachelor’s Degree in Agronomy from the National University of Colombia, a Master’s Degree in Entomology from the University of Massachusetts, and a PhD in Entomology from the University of Florida. He worked at the International Center of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Cali, Colombia, for 4.5 years. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Entomology at the Aberdeen R&E Center of the University of Idaho and has research and Extension responsibilities. He conducts research in integrated pest management and has a commodity responsibility for potatoes and cereal.​​

Contact Information:
Email: jalvarez@uidaho.edu


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