​​​Late Blight Management Under Semi-Arid Conditions

November 2016 | 27 min., 18 sec.
by Jeff Miller
Miller Research


​Late blight has the potential to be one of the most destructive diseases for potato growers. Late blight is influenced largely by environmental conditions, and management under semiarid conditions can be quite different from management under wet, humid conditions. This presentation outlines effective control practices for growers who raise potatoes under semiarid conditions. It addresses the effect of irrigation on late blight, fungicide efficacy against late blight, the impact of weather, timing of fungicide applications, the effect of application method on fungicide residue, and the role of postharvest products.

About the Presenter

Jeff MillerJeff Miller earned a BS in Botany-Biotechnology from Brigham Young University (1994) and an MS (1996) and a PhD (1998) in Plant Pathology from Washington State University. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow for the University of Idaho for 3 months before accepting the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota, where he worked as the potato pathologist. In 2001, Jeff accepted the same position at the University of Idaho, where he worked until returning to Miller Research in 2007.​

Contact Information:
Email: jeff@millerresearch.com


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