​​How to Maximize Soybean Yield

January 2010 | 35 min., 27 sec.
by Palle Pedersen
Iowa State University


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the U.S. on the basic mechanisms to maximize soybean yield. Examples will be given from Iowa that can be used for most states in the upper Midwest. In the presentation, basic soybean growth and development will be presented, and then this topic will be linked to management decisions. By the end of this presentation, the practitioner should know more about what it takes to maximize soybean yield, that it is all about agronomics and variety selection, and that yield is made much earlier in the growing season that most people think.

About the Presenter

Palle PedersenPalle Pedersen coordinates and provides state leadership in soybean production and management. His time is split between extension (75%) and research (25%). The objective of his extension program is to develop information to address the needs of soybean farmers in Iowa that are economically and environmentally sustainable. The overall goal of his research program is to identify and solve soybean production problems to improve the economic well-being of farmers. His work emphasizes soybean response to management systems and new technologies; genotype by management system interactions; crop rotation effects; and the effect of agronomic practices on soybean pathogens and pests.​

Contact Information:
Email: palle@iastate.edu


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