​​Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Use in Agriculture

February 2014 | 17 min., 34 sec.
by Rory Paul
Volt Aerial Robotics

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​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners across the United States gain an understanding of basic UAV types that have potential agricultural Application, gain a basic understanding of the National Airspace and what is entailed with complying with FAA regulations. The presentation will also explore where unmanned systems fit into aerial image acquisition process and their benefits over traditional methods. Lastly we will look at agricultural applications with a focus on crop scouting and mapping, touching on some of the technical challenges to producing geospatially accurate orthophotos.

About the Presenter

Rory PaulRory Paul has a very strong background and interest in all things technical! He started his working career in product engineering roles in the publishing and communication industry working for international companies and startups. His technical interest took him to the field of nondestructive testing and he founded his own business in 2003 in South Africa focused on mining and heavy industry. In 2005 he immigrated to the US and continued this business while investigating the uses of UAV systems with specific applicability to the US agricultural sector. Since 2006 Rory has been actively working with both fixed wing and rotary wing UAV platforms and various sensor systems. In the past seven years he has accumulated hundreds of flight hours using unmanned aerial systems for both mapping crop scouting missions. He is the founder of the Google+ community Unmanned Aircraft and Agriculture a clearing house for all things related to unmanned aircraft and their use in agriculture.​

Contact Information:
Email: roryp@voltaerialrobotics.com


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