​​Double Cropped Soybeans in the South

March 2010 | 29 min., 17 sec.
by David L. Wright
University of Florida


​This presentation will help consultants, growers and others in the agricultural industry of the South consider management techniques that need to be considered when double cropping soybeans. Management from planting to harvest will be discussed. Major topics covered are fertility, rotations, cover crop management, variety selection, row spacing and seeding rate, water needs, planting method and date, pest control and harvest considerations. This presentation will help growers consider every aspect of production and bring to mind some challenges that may be faced by growers during the growing season in the South.

About the Presenter

David L. WrightDavid L. Wright is a professor of agronomy at the University of Florida. His area of specialization is production and management of integrated livestock and row crop farming systems using conservation farming methods. Wright received his masters and PhD degrees in agronomy at Virginia Tech. He is the author of 91 refereed publications, more than 700 non-refereed publications, and 118 abstracts.​

Contact Information:
Email: wright@ufl.edu


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