​​​​Performance of First & Second Generation Roundup Ready Soybean Varieties​

March 2011 | 37 min., 01 sec.
by Shaun Casteel
Purdue University


​The presentation focuses on data from Midwestern states, but the principles for comparing the technologies is appropriate for growers, consultants, and other crop professionals in all states. The first generation of Roundup Ready® (​RR1) soybeans were released in 1996 and the second generation (RR2) was released in 2009. The yields of RR2 are said to be 7 to 11% higher than RR1 with mixed findings in the field. This presentation aims to level the playing field for appropriate comparisons between RR1 and RR2 varieties. The effects of geography, maturity group, and seed treatments are discussed for improved decisions in variety selection.​

About the Presenter

Shaun CasteelShaun Casteel grew up in Midwestern agriculture on the family farm in Illinois. His agronomic training was at the University of Illinois and North Carolina State University in crop science and physiology, and soil and nutrient management. He was an agronomist for the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Currently, he is the Soybean Extension Specialist at Purdue University. His Extension and research program focuses on improving production of soybeans while maintaining economic viability and environmental stewardship.​

Contact Information:
Email: scasteel@purdue.edu


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