​​​​Increasing Double-Cropped Soybean Yield

May 2013 | 19 min., 32 sec.
by David Holshouser
Virginia Tech

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​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the Mid-Atlantic region implement practices to increase soybean yield planted after small grain harvest. Specifically, the presentation discusses the main differences between full-season and double-cropped soybean and makes recommendations to enhance double-cropping advantages and minimize disadvantages. By the end of this presentation, the learner will better understand practices and techniques that will allow him or his clients to improve double-cropped soybean production.

About the Presenter

David HolshouserDavid Holshouser was raised on a small family farm near Salisbury, N.C. He attended N.C. State University, where he majored in Agronomy and later obtained a MS degree in Crop Science. He served as Research Associate for the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station for 6 years and obtained a PhD degree in Agronomy in 1993 from Texas A&M University. After serving 4 years as Weed Specialist for the University of Nebraska, he accepted the position of Extension Agronomist at Virginia Tech’s Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in 1997. He provides leadership for agronomic extension and research programs that lead to profitable and environmentally-responsible agriculture. Interests include soybean cultural practices, double-cropping systems, and pest management. Responsibilities include grower and agribusiness education, county extension agent training, and conducting the official soybean variety test in five regions throughout the commonwealth. He serves as educational advisor to the Virginia Soybean Association and Virginia Soybean Board, and as Associate Editor for Agronomy Journal. He has authored or co-authored 19 refereed journal articles and 52 extension articles. He resides in Suffolk with his wife and two daughters.

Contact Information:
Email: dholshou@exchange.vt.edu


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