​​​​​​​Soybean Field Rolling

May 2014 | 12 min., 52 sec.
by Greg Endres
North Dakota State University

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​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the northern great plains with reviewing the reasons for and challenges of field rolling for soybean production. Specifically this presentation will emphasize the procedures of field rolling for harvest efficiency and when to conduct the operation to minimize plant injury and associated problems.

About the Presenter

Greg EndresGreg Endres is a native of Minnesota. He received his BS and MS degrees in plant science from North Dakota State University at Fargo. He began employment with the NDSU Extension Service in 1983 and has worked since 1990 as area extension specialist/cropping systems at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center. He serves farmers and crop advisers with educational programs primarily in a 15-county area in south-central ND. Education and research emphasis includes crop protection, plant nutrition and general agronomy. He has worked with soybean research and educational projects during the past 15 years.​

Contact Information:
Email: gregory.endres@ndsu.edu


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