​​​Integrated Approaches to Fungicide Applications in Soybean

May 2016 | 26 min., 37 sec.
by Hillary L. Mehl
Virginia Tech

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Foliar fungicide use in soybean has increased over the past decade, but fungicide applications are not always needed or economical. Integrated approaches to disease management are essential to maximizing both yields and profitability in soybean production. This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in soybean-producing regions to understand best management practices for foliar fungicide use in soybean. Specifically, practitioners will learn how to optimize the effectiveness of fungicides in soybean based on proper timing of applications and selection of the best fungicide chemistries for the target pathogen(s). By the end of this presentation, the practitioner should have an understanding of if and when to apply foliar fungicides to minimize crop losses to disease and maximize yield and economic returns in soybean production.​

About the Presenter

Hillary L. MehlHillary L. Mehl is an Assistant Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist at the Virginia Tech Tidewater Research and Extension Center. She earned her BS degree from Humboldt State University and PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of California at Davis. Dr. Mehl has research and extension responsibilities for disease management in agronomic crops in Virginia. Her research focuses on pathogen biology and epidemiology and the identification of cost-effective and environmentally sound approaches to minimizing yield losses to diseases in soybean, corn, small grains, peanut, and cotton.​

Contact Information:
Email: hlmehl@vt.edu


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