​​Soybean Aphid Management Series: Update on Soybean Aphid Biological Control

July 2014 | 23 min., 46 sec.
by Thelma T. Heidel-Baker
Iowa State University


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the North Central region of the United States where the soybean aphid can be a problem pest in soybean. This presentation addresses the use of biological control as a management measure for the soybean aphid. In this presentation, viewers will learn the types of biological control, the insects that provide aphid biological control, and how it can be used in soybean aphid management. This presentation will also cover current ongoing research projects to improve soybean aphid biological control in the North Central region.

About the Presenter

Thelma T. Heidel-BakerThelma T. Heidel-Baker is a postdoctoral research associate and extension coordinator in the Department of Entomology at Iowa State University. As an extension coordinator, she develops regional extension materials (field guides, presentations, pamphlets, etc.) for soybean aphid management from research projects funded by the North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP). Her research interests include biological control in agricultural crops, integrated pest management, and the ecology of beneficial insects in agriculture. Dr. Heidel-Baker received her BS degrees in entomology and plant pathology from the University of Wisconsin and her MS degree in entomology from Purdue University. She completed her PhD in entomology from the University of Minnesota in 2012.​

Contact Information:
Email: thelma@iastate.edu


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