​​Soybean Aphid Management Series: Management Using Neonicotinoid-Treated Seed

July 2014 | 15 min., 59 sec.
by Christian Krupke
Purdue University


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the upper Midwest region assess the relative value of seed treatments for the management of the key pest of soybeans, the soybean aphid. This includes information on the duration of crop protection that can be expected from seed treatments, possible effects on a key non-target predator of aphids, and data from a multi-state effort to quantify yield. Seed treatments are compared with the IPM approach of monitoring and treating when the action threshold of 250 aphids/plant is reached, in terms of relative benefit to producers.

About the Presenter

Christian KrupkeChristian Krupke is an associate professor of entomology at Purdue University. He has held this position since 2005, and his primary areas of research include pest management in annual field crop systems – primarily corn and soybeans. Active areas of research include assessing the effectiveness of refuges for corn rootworm management using Bt hybrids, and investigating the efficacy and non-target effects of neonicotinoid seed treatments in both corn and soybeans.

Contact Information:
Email: ckrupke@purdue.edu


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