​​Big Data and Implications at the Farm

July 2015 | 27 min., 56 sec.
by John Fulton
The Ohio State University

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​Big Data continues to receive attention in the agriculture industry with both small and large companies providing data services to producers. While Big Data provides potential for producers to evaluate input selections and other farm decisions, skepticism by producers remains high on how companies providing Big Data analytics might use the data for improving a company's market position while limiting value back to the producer. This presentation will help producers, consultants, county agents, data service providers and others within agriculture to understand the current state of Big Data in agriculture with recommendations to row-crop producers as they consider options around data services. Specifically in this presentation, practitioners will learn that Big Data can accelerate learning and will be important in a producers' decision around aspects such as hybrid selection in the future. The amount of data being generated through modern agriculture machines and technology can be significant but capturing and making this data actionable will be important for producers to better understand their operation and costs. By presentation end, a practitioner should know more about the importance of data quality and considerations when evaluating data service options.

About the Presenter

John FultonJohn Fulton is an Associate Professor in the Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department at the Ohio State University. He grew up on a 2,000 acre vegetable an​d grain farm in Ohio. John’s educational background includes a BA degree from Wittenberg University in physics and MS and PhD degrees in biosystems and agricultural engineering from the University of Kentucky. His research and education has been focused on machinery automation and precision agriculture.​

Contact Information:
Email: fulton.20@osu.edu


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