​​​Fungicide Resistance: A Case Study QoI Resistant Rhizoctonia solani

August 2014 | 9 min., 02 sec.
by Clayton A. Hollier
Louisiana State University


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in all regions understand the need for fungicide resistance management. The case study presented here is an example of what happens when resistance occurs while combating a soilborne pathogen where rotational crops are equally susceptible to the same pathogen. Management suggestions are made, explaining the use of cultural practices and fungicide alternatives.

About the Presenter

Clayton A. HollierClayton A. Hollier is a Professor and Extension Specialist for Agronomic Field Crop Diseases at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology. He earned the BS degree in Biology and MS degree in Biology (Botany) from Delta State University, and received the PhD in Plant Pathology from Mississippi State University. His extension program focuses on developing economical and sustainable disease management practices for agronomic field crops, including corn, grain sorghum, rice, soybean, and wheat. Research efforts focus on crop loss assessment and a systems approach to plant disease management.​

Contact Information:
Email: CHollier@agcenter.lsu.edu


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