​​​Identification and Management of the Invasive 'Kudzu Bug' (Megacopta cribraria)

August 2014 | 16 min., 01 sec.
by Nicholas Seiter
Clemson University

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​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners in the Southeast, Midsouth, and other soybean producing regions of the United States to identify and manage this invasive insect in soybeans. Identification of the life stages of kudzu bugs is emphasized, as management should target the immature stages to be most effective. In addition, planting date can influence the susceptibility of a field to damaging kudzu bug infestations. By the end of this presentation, practitioners will be able to identify the various life stages of kudzu bugs and time their management to preserve yield while minimizing the number of insecticide applications.

About the Presenter

Nicholas SeiterNicholas Seiter is a graduate research assistant at Clemson University under the supervision of Dr. Jeremy Greene and Dr. Francis Reay-Jones. His dissertation research is aimed at understanding the potential impacts of the kudzu bug and developing management practices for this invasive pest in soybeans. He completed MS and BS degrees in entomology at Purdue University.​

Contact Information:
Email: nseiter@g.clemson.edu


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