​​Soybean Stem Canker: Re-Emerging?

August 2015 | 14 min., 17 sec.
by Febina Mathew
South Dakota State University

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This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other agricultural professionals in U.S. soybean production regions to scout and identify soybean stem canker. Diaporthe species cause seed decay, stem blight, and stem canker, resulting in yield losses. Diaporthe longicolla, the causal agent of Phomopsis seed decay, has been reported to cause stem disease on soybean in the north central United States. This presentation will cover symptoms produced by the causal agents of soybean stem canker and how the two Diaporthe species, D. longicolla and D. caulivora, vary in aggressiveness. Finally, the few available management options are discussed.​

About the Presenter

Febina MathewFebina Mathew is the Oilseeds Plant Pathologist at South Dakota State University with research responsibilities on diseases of soybeans, sunflowers and other oilseed crops. She received her doctoral degree in Plant Pathology from North Dakota State University in 2014. She has her master’s degree in Plant Pathology from North Dakota State University and bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. Her research interests include emerging diseases, pathogen detection and diversity, and developing disease management strategies.​

Contact Information:
Email: febina.mathew@sdstate.edu


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