​​Tips for Profitable Soybean Variety Selection

September 2009 | 24 min., 06 sec.
by David L. Holshouser
Virginia Tech


​Variety selection is one of the most important decisions a soybean producer makes and should be based on results of properly conducted variety trials. Types of variety trials in order of poor to good precision include split-field comparisons, un-replicated strip plots conducted over time and/or space, replicated head-to-head comparisons, and multi-location university-conducted official variety tests (OVT). All are useful and each has its own advantages in selecting high-yielding varieties. Never to use single-location, single-year data in one’s variety selection process; instead, use multi-location multi-year averages. Making selections based on that criteria will normally result choosing high-yielding varieties the following year, regardless of where the variety is grown. 

About the Presenter

David L. HolshouserDavid L. Holshouser conducts research and education on cropping systems, precision agriculture, pest management, Palmer amaranth control, yield enhancement with strobilurin fungicides, and optimal soybean seeding rates. He conducts the official soybean variety test in five regions throughout the Commonwealth and serves as educational adviser to the Virginia Soybean Association and Virginia Soybean Board.​

Contact Information:
Email: dholshou@exchange.vt.edu


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