​​Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Soybeans

September 2014 | 26 min., 41 sec.
by Alan York
North Carolina State University

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​This presentation will help growers, consultants, dealers, and other practitioners in soybean-producing areas manage herbicide-resistant weeds in general and glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in particular. Specifically, this presentation will cover some of the basic biology and physiology of Palmer amaranth and how that contributes to this plant’s success as a weed. Basic herbicide resistance management strategies will be discussed, and specific management programs for Palmer amaranth will be presented. The information presented will help growers avoid resistance, or if glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth is already present, the information will help growers effectively manage the problem.

About the Presenter

Alan YorkAlan York is a native of North Carolina. He earned his BS and MS degrees from North Carolina State University and his PhD from the University of Illinois. He retired in 2009 after serving for 30 years on the faculty of the Crop Science Department at N.C. State where he conducted research, lead a state-wide extension program on weed management in field crops, taught weed science courses, and advised graduate students. Since retirement, he has continued his research and teaching at N.C. State and is a weed management consultant for the North Carolina Cotton Producers Association.​

Contact Information:
Email: alan_york@ncsu.edu


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