​​Soybean Disease Forecasting

October 2016 | 29 min., 09 sec.
by Damon Smith
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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​Plant disease forecasting or plant disease advisories can be extremely useful for a grower in making pre-plant or in-season management decisions. These disease advisories can range in complexity from simple measures of initial inoculum potential to computer-based advisories based on weather forecasts that drive plant disease models. This presentation will cover several disease advisories ranging from the simple soil sampling-based soybean cyst nematode (SCN) advisory to a complex, weather-based forecast system being developed for prediction of white mold in soybean. The success of the soybean rust advisory will also be discussed. The research presented here is partially funded by the soybean check off though the North Central Soybean Research Program and several state soybean associations including the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board.

About the Presenter

Damon SmithDamon Smith is an Assistant Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist at UW-Madison. Damon’s responsibilities include research efforts that focus on improving our understanding of the epidemiology of plant pathogens in order to develop better management recommendations for the sustainable management of field and forage crop diseases. Damon earned his BS in Biological Sciences at the State University of New York, College at Geneseo, and his MS and PhD degrees from North Carolina State University. Prior to Damon’s appointment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison he was an assistant professor at Oklahoma State University.​

Contact Information:
Email: damon.smith@wisc.edu


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