​​Soybean Variety Selection

December 2010 | 16 min., 46 sec.
by E. James Dunphy
North Carolina State University


​This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners reduce the large list of available soybean varieties down to a workable list of varieties to consider. The problem in most states that grow soybeans is not a shortage of varieties, or of information about the varieties, but how to make sense of all the available information. Although this discussion was developed in the southeastern U.S., the points made should be equally applicable to other parts of the U.S.

About the Presenter

E. James DunphyE. James Dunphy is a Professor of Crop Science and Extension Soybean Specialist at North Carolina State University. He has 39 years’ experience (4 in Iowa, 35 in North Carolina) in Agronomy Extension. He has responsibility for training NCSU field faculty in soybean production, for conducting on-farm tests and demonstrations to develop and publicize answers to commercial soybean production questions, and for otherwise supporting the field faculty’s educational programs. He has been recognized for the effectiveness of his education efforts by the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association (Meritorious Service Award in 1981), NCSU (Outstanding Extension Service Award in 1981-82, and Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension in 2000), the American Soybean Association (Extension Education Award in 1983, Outstanding Research Tour in 1984, and South American Soybean Mission in 1989), and the American Society of Agronomy (Fellow Award in 1982, and Agronomic Extension Education Award in 2001).​

Contact Information:
Email: Jim_Dunphy@ncsu.edu


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