​​​​​​Wheat Stem Sawfly in Wheat

May 2016 | 27 min., 20 sec.
by Jeff Bradshaw
University of Nebraska–Lincoln


​Wheat is an integral part of dryland production agriculture in the High Plains; not just for its yield, but also for its residue which can trap soil moisture and conserve soil. The wheat stem sawfly currently is one of the most important pests of wheat in the central and northern High Plains of North America. This presentation will help consultants, growers, and other practitioners throughout the High Plains understand more about the wheat stem sawfly and its management. Specifically in this presentation, practitioners will learn about the wheat stem sawfly lifecycle, its growing geographic range, damage, and which control tactics are currently recommended for its management.

About the Presenter

Jeff BradshawJeff Bradshaw earned a MS in Zoology from Southern Illinois University in 2001 and a PhD in entomology and plant pathology from Iowa State University in 2007. He is currently and Associate Professor of Entomology and Extension Specialist for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He serves his research and Extension appointment at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He has published 30 referred publications and numerous Extension and professional communications concerning host plant resistance and insect biology, ecology, and management. His current research concerns the integration of host plant resistance and ecologically-based pest management solutions.​

Contact Information:
Email: jbradshaw2@unl.edu

​Webcast Sponsor


​Grant Funding

​This webcast was supported by funds provided through USDA-NIFA.


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