​​​Management of Mite-Transmitted Viruses in the Southern Great Plains

December 2018 | 20 min., 17 sec.
by Charlie Rush
Texas A&M AgriLife Research


​In the southwestern region of the US Great Plains, often referred to as the High Plains, hard red winter wheat is the most widely grown crop, and mite transmitted virus diseases cause significant losses to farmers throughout the region each year. The majority of wheat in this region is dual purpose, grown as a winter forage for cattle and also for grain. This presentation will help consultants, growers and other practitioners in the High Plains to understand how dual-purpose wheat production is unique, and how associated cultural practices impact disease incidence and management options. Specifically, practitioners will learn about causes and impacts of mite-transmitted virus diseases, factors that impact vector and disease incidence, and specific actions they can take to minimize losses.

About the Presenter

Charlie RushCharlie Rush received a BA in literature from the University of Texas–Permian Basin in 1974. He received a Master of Agriculture in plant protection from Texas A&M University in 1976, and he completed a PhD in plant pathology in 1981. Dr. Rush conducted post-doctoral research at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in Temple from 1981 to 1983 and at the USDA–ARS Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, Washington, from 1984 to 1986. He returned to Texas in 1986 as an associate professor of plant pathology at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Amarillo, to conduct research on economically damaging diseases of crops produced in the Texas Panhandle. His research has focused on diseases caused by plant pathogens with arthropod vectors, including mite-transmitted virus diseases of wheat and zebra chip of potato. Most recently, Dr. Rush initiated a project on biotic and abiotic factors that impact quality and yield of locally grown vegetables for fresh-market and seed sales. Although Dr. Rush has no official extension responsibilities, his lab has provided plant disease diagnostic services since its inception.

Contact Information:
Email: crush@ag.tamu.edu

​Webcast Sponsor


​Grant Funding

​This webcast was supported by funds provided through the United States Department of Agriculture, USDA-NIFA grant number 2013-68004-20358.​


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