Accuracy of Round Module Harvester Handlers and Minimizing Plastic Contamination

April 2021 | 26 min., 17 sec.
by Wesley M. Porter
University of Georgia

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​This presentation addresses both the onboard module weighing system available on Cotton Pickers and Cotton Strippers for on-farm trial evaluation and the ways to reduce plastic contamination from round module wrap during the harvest, transport, and ginning stages. The onboard module weighing system has the potential, if properly calibrated, to eliminate the need for in-field scales when determining module weights for evaluating treatment differences for cotton production. The system has accurately differentiated treatment differences, and when data were pooled across five states, the R2 ​weight prediction was 0.97, with more than 415 observations. Another critica​l issue is how to reduce round module wrap contamination. Many processes that can be followed during the harvest, module transport, and ginning stages to help reduce and eliminate module wrap plastic contamination, and this talk address each of those stages.​

About the Presenter

​​​Wesley M. PorterWesley M. Porter is an associate professor at the University of Georgia (UGA). He earned his BS and MS from Clemson University in agricultural mechanization and agricultural engineering, respectively, and earned his PhD from Oklahoma State University in agricultur​al engineering. Dr. Porter is an Extension specialist at UGA and covers the topics of precision agriculture, machinery systems, and irrigatio​n. Some of the topics Dr. Porter’s program focuses on are irrigation scheduling, GPS and GIS systems, remote sensing, UASs, planter control systems, yield monitors, and variable rate applications.​

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