​​​​Woody Plants for Urban Bee Conservation

February 2019 | 19 min., 14 sec.
by Daniel A. Potter
University of Kentucky

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​Public awareness of declining bee populations has increased interest in growing “bee-friendly” plants. Various groups have published bee-friendly plant lists, but these lists often lack experimental data and rarely emphasize flowering trees and shrubs—major components of urban landscapes. This webcast presents research detailing the flowering trees and shrubs that attract diverse bee visitors and provides tips on building a bee-friendly landscape.

About the Presenter

Daniel A. PotterDaniel A. Potter Professor of Entomology, has been on the faculty of the University of Kentucky since 1979. He is an authority on pest and beneficial insects affecting urban landscapes, recognized in particular for applying ecological principles in developing sustainable pest management practices. He and his students have published more than 200 refereed scientific papers, some 25 invited book chapters, three Annual Reviews, and many dozens of trade journal articles. He is a frequent Keynote Speaker at industry conferences, and has been an invited speaker at scientific conferences throughout the world. A University of Kentucky Distinguished Research Professor and elected Fellow of the Entomological Society of America, Potter has received national awards for research, teaching, and service to the horticultural industries. He received his B.S. degree from Cornell University in 1974 and a Ph.D. in entomology from the Ohio State University in 1978. Dr. Potter currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Horticultural Entomology and Insect-Plant Relationships, as well as various graduate seminars. He has served as Major Professor for more than 45 graduate students.​

Contact Information:
Email: dapotter@uky.edu

Additional Resources​

Quantifying Bee Assemblages and Attractiveness of Flowering Woody Landscape Plants for Urban Pollinator Conservation PLOS ONE​​​​

Plants Bees Like Best List Horticultural Research Institute

Protecting Bees Rutgers University IR-4 Project

Million Pollinator Garden Challenge​ ​ The National Pollinator Garden Network​

​Webcast Sponsor


​Grant Funding

​This webcast was supported by funds provided through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food Agriculture (NIFA), Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI), NIFA SCRI grant 2016-51181-25399; by NIFA IR-4 Grant 2015-34383-23710; by the USDA Agricultural Research Service; and by various state agricultural experiment stations. Grant funding was also provided by the Bayer North American Bee Care Center, the Horticultural Research Institute​, and the University of Kentucky Nursery Research Endowment Fund.

Signature Sponsor​



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