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​​​​​​​​​​​Feature​d Webcast​​

In the High Plains, hard red winter wheat is the most widely grown crop, and mite-transmitted virus diseases cause significant losses each year.

Charlie Rush discusses the causes and impacts of these diseases, factors that impact vector and disease incidence, and specific actions producers can take to minimize losses.

Most Recent Webcast

Wheat Curl Mite and Its Virus Complex in Wheat​​
​Gary L. Hein

​Most​ Viewed Webcast

​​Factors Influencing Wheat Streak Mosaic Outbreaks in Kansas
Erick De Wolf​



​AWaRe: Assessment tool for Wheat streak mosaic Risk – Montana State University

​Surviving the Green Bridge – University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Symptoms of Mite-transmitted Viruses in Wheat – University of Nebraska–Lincoln​

Spread of Wheat Curl Mites into Wheat: A Demonstration – University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Wheat Curl Mite Time Machine: An Animation Demonstrating Mite Movement and Virus Impact​ – University of Nebraska–Lincoln​


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A Farmer's Guide to Wheat Diseases
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